Get to Know Us
Hynfra is a technology integrator, project developer and project execution company. Acknowledging the momentum of energy transition triggered by the EU Green Deal company enable to achieve the climate neutrality by leveraging the potential of renewable hydrogen and green chemicals.
Hynfra is also the sole shareholder of Hynfra Energy Storage, the first company on the Polish market that provides complex energy storage solutions in the STorage as a Service (STaaS) model & energy take-up for the production of renewable hydrogen. The total capacity contracted for the projects is 530MW.

Current projects involve development of large scale ammonia installations among
other - in Jordan, Mauritania, Colombia, Greece and Oman

Fidelity Group is an Industrial Development Management, Technology Sourcing, Energy and Chemicals company.
Gulf Fluor LLC, first of its kind fluorine
complex in the GULF.
Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) has dual use for military purpose (Uranium Enrichment) and civil use. The Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) just used for civil purpose exclusively.
Gulf Fluor LLC is located in the Industrial City of Abu Dhabi – 2 (ICAD2) the development comprises units producing: 1.Sulphuric Acid
(H2SO4); 2.Hydrogen fluoride (HF); 3.Aluminium fluoride (AlF3); 4.Calcium sulphate.